Covid-19 was a complete paradigm shift that affected every sphere of life including education. Since, education was particularly hit by Coronavirus which resulted in a staggering 1.53 billion learners out of school along with the closure of 184 country-wide schools. However, at the same type this pandemic catalyzed the much-needed change in the educational system:

The shift from traditional education to a new normal:

Coronavirus has been proved to be a transformative event. No doubt, before Covid-19 there was a concept of digital learning but not as a frequently used learning medium. However, during lockdowns, digital learning proved to be an effective tool not only for distant learning but also for retaining and maintaining access to learning. The burden of digital learning was heavily felt in deprived schools, where it was reported that more than 15% of the teachers were having no access to digital devices. In addition, subsidiaries were also provided to streamline the learning process even in lockdowns. The best example is Coombe Hill Junior School in Kingston upon Thames, which has implemented online assemblies, digital content on YouTube channel to guide physical education, digital learning classrooms, along with sharing novel-reading sessions.  

Recovery curriculum

Once the schools along with other educational institutions were opened after the lockdown, a recovery curriculum was being provided to the students to cover the learning gap left due to online classes or if anything is missed out.

International scholarships and student acquisition programmes

As the consequences of the global lockdown especially during the period of the international scholarship programme were a clear risk to the acquisition programme of international students in the UK as well. That in turn impacts the profitability of the courses as well. In addition, the undergraduate students of EU also asked for a defer which in turn has also caused pressure on the universities to confirm the teaching pedagogy and programme delivery.

Missing campus life

 It has been reported surveyed by many research studies that students lack interactive sessions and joyful learning experiences during online classes. However, students also miss their campus life as well, especially the male students.

Special education: the most overlooked sector

Although the government tried to cater to all the educational sectors to their fullest during the pandemic situation, still, among all the domains, special education for the special and vulnerable community remain a distant dream during the lockdown. Therefore, to cater for this issue at its maximum, to some extent regular online parental consultation programmes were initiated. In addition, by taking a proactive approach, schools were prompt enough to cater to all the issues of the families although it was a language barrier, accessibility issues, management issues etc.

Teachers' working conditions and well-being

It must be noted that the stress of this pandemic was equally shared by all the communities belonging to every sector, no matter, its students, teachers or parents. Where parents are stressed due to the learning of their kids, at the same time, teachers were also under-pressure owing to the sudden closure of schools, and the shifting of the teaching style from traditional to online or digital methods. Developing digital content, and conducting online classes for those who have limited digital literacy knowledge and sources was one of the biggest issues of all time.

However, if you’re also affected by this pandemic and currently facing any difficulties while learning then expert writers in the UK is the best solution for you. Don’t worry, if you’re a student or a teacher, we equally share your burden by assisting you in your academic tasks and developing digital content like academic presentations, course outlines, and digital learning content. Hurry up and grab this exciting opportunity.

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