The overwhelming routine of college and university students although make them busy but results in no productivity. New semester, new session, books and the excitement to meet new classmates where brings excitement also brings fear of getting high marks. For this, students need to try out different tricks to cope up with the things that are in their plate without losing their motivation.

1. Be strict on your schedule

Brushing a list of tasks under a to-do list isn't a great idea but effectively listing them is of high importance. Try to list the hardest to do the task at no. 1 and then list the easiest one at the end. List out things that are realistic and not over-ambitious. Therefore, make SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. This will allow you to achieve milestones and leave you with free time for your friends and family too. 

2. Switch off your mobile

Mobile phones and checking our social media accounts again and again whenever a notification pops up is a big distraction. People use to spend an hour even when they just intended to check the time. Therefore, to maximise productivity and get some effective outcomes, mark the aeroplane mode of your mobile as a favourite. Stop! Don’t forget to switch off your WIFI too while working. 

3. Find your power hours

The 4-power hours acts like magic to increase your productivity. Many of us prefer to burn the midnight oil while others prefer to wake up early and start a day with the sunshine. These are your power hours when your motivation is high and mind is fresh to grasp tricky concepts. Although we cannot choose the time of going and leaving academic settings. But we can make maximum use of our surroundings to recalibrate the golden hours. Therefore, it’s your task to find your 4-power hours. 

4. Text skimming

Text skimming is the highly productive techniques that the students must use while studying. You should avoid any unnecessary details. Besides, select the best and informative text that adds worth to your essay or topic. This will ultimately save your time that you can spend on other stuff.

5. Avoid multitasking

There is a strict no-no to multitasking to increase productivity. In a hurry to finish things, we plate so many things for a day that we end up finishing nothing. Resulting in a confused state of mind that what to do and what to finish first. Therefore, to avoid the struggle that ends up in nothing, complete one task at a time and move to next.

6. Say NO to distraction

Getting swayed away by a lot of things around you reduces productivity. Therefore, to get the most out of your ongoing activity, you need to learn to say NO to all distractions. For this, sit in such a place where no one can distract you, switch off your mobile, take a break from multi-media accounts and ask others to not to disturb you while you are studying.

7. Go on small screen breaks

Screen breaks are of high significance. As in this digital era, universities and colleges have online platforms and LMS where the teachers share learning material. Spending long hours on the laptop and mobile screen not only affect your eyes but also makes you exhausted enough. Therefore, to increase your productivity, take small breaks from the screen. Sit back, relax by closing your eyes, and breathe. This will prepare you to work extensively. 

8. sleep properly

Mesut Barazany once said,“Your future depends on your dreams, so go to sleep”. There is no dream without being productive and heavy sleepy eyes cannot achieve productivity. It’s better to have at least 8 hours of sleep so that you can wake fresh and ready to rock your world. 

9. Stay motivated

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. So, to reach an optimal level of productivity, you need to stay motivated and zeal to solve all the issues. 

10. Regular exercise

Procrastination and laziness are the real enemies of productivity. While exercise makes you, energetic and fit to take up a new challenge and fight with them like a worrier. Because“A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise”. 
12/13/2024 7:22:42 PM
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