If you are at the stage of your life where you are expected to write a giant thesis for the sake of your degree and you are afraid of it, so do not hesitate in admitting it, it is Natural! Thesis writing has always been a major pain for all the students. Most of them take it as the severe torture and yes, it really is.
As for every disease in the world, there is a treatment available similarly, for the fear of thesis there are some crucial techniques available to help you recover from it. Follow these simple steps of do’s and don’ts and you are done:
- Prepare proper statement and clarify your rationale for writing a thesis statement
- Divide the chapters’ length of the thesis and identify your methods to be adopted
- Use relevant literature review and make comprehensible analysis of the data along with the results obtained
- Don’t take a thesis topic on which someone has already done research
- Do not make your problem statement too long that it distracts from your main objective
- Do not pick the methodology that does not go with your topic data
Mapping the Thesis
You should be clear and confident about your chosen topic. Before choosing the topic do some research that will help you in choosing the perfect scenario and will prevent you from doing repeated work.
Your thesis should be divided in five main sections that are the introduction, literature review, methodology, analysis with discussion, and conclusion with recommendations. This will help you out in dividing your work time. Provide the whole scenario of your research in your abstract summary that attracts the reader. Be little choosy about the words as it is the first thing on which your thesis will be judged. Provide a proper acknowledgement, before starting your thesis it shows some curtsey
Make your content consistent and relevant. Your each paragraph should be started with new point every time and end up with clearing your viewpoint. Try keeping it smooth and balanced. Pay concentration on your opening sentences, as they play a vital role in directing the reader. Focus on the language you are using, use academic language and avoid too flowery or informal language. Do not make critics base judgmental expressions. Do not repeat the sentences repeatedly.
Take special care of your grammar as your thesis should be in past tense as it is the proof that you have really done the work you have mentioned in your write up. Avoid copy pasting the material from other sources take the ideas, but not the words as it in counted as the plagiarism, which is considered as the academic offence. Make your data analysis genuine and eye catching, make flow charts, tables, and figures to make your thesis look more attractive. Do not forget to put them in appendix too.
Last but not the least; make your content referenced by the authentic sources and add all the defences and the work cited in the end. If thesis still fears, take help from the best online Thesis Writing Services.